Company Profile
ASI Enterprises, Inc. was incorporated in New York on January 1, 1983 as an aviation services company trading on the expertise of its founder who had been an airline and FBO executive. It soon became apparent that the ability to raise capital and provide advice concerning acquisition and use of capital was in greatest demand. Serving this need transformed the company into an investment banking boutique serving primarily small and medium sized privately held businesses.
ASI provides all of the services of larger investment banking operations, including M&A, representational and advisory services, but we do not have our own brokerage house to deal with individual investors. When we need a brokerage house to sell a private placement or IPO we make special arrangements with brokerage houses and/or our associated Wall Street investment banks in New York City. We charge fees for our services tailored to the scope and nature of the services we think we will be providing and the perceived difficulty of working with the client.
Our normal sources of equity for our clients are professional investors like venture capitalists and institutional investors not principally dedicated to venture capital operations. We also deal in quasi-equity with various institutions, venture houses and merchant banks. We have non-bank lenders ranging from pure asset based lenders to lenders who base their decisions primarily on cash flow and some that deal with various governmental programs and guarantees. On occasion we even structure deals with regular commercial banks. In addition, we have affiliated factors and leasing companies that help our clients keep their cash flow high and avoid crisis operations.